Cannondale Lefty Steerer Install / Removal Tool 'Ernie'
Our price $54.95
The original Cannondale "Ernie" tool is used for the following:
- Remove and install the XC3 stem/steer tube unit
- Remove and install the steerer on Bonded Leftys
- Removal tips here:
After removing the Steerer or XC3 or OPI stem, the Lefty comes right off of the frame. If you've ever tried to do this without this tool, you've probably squished your upper bearing seal and scratched up some of the other surfaces inside.
- Make your life easier next time with Ernie! Part # KT020
- Machined from heavy, quality plastic, this is a shop quality tool to be used over and over.
- Lefty and Headshok fork removal tips here